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Contact: Brian East, CFP®Couples who have opposite philosophies regarding saving and spending often have trouble finding common ground. This article offers some tips to learn to work with financial differences.
High-income participants will not be allowed to make pre-tax catch-up contributions to a traditional 401(k) or similar plan starting in 2026, but they will be able to contribute to a workplace Roth.
Most home improvements are not tax deductible, but certain types of projects might help reduce your tax burden in other ways.
The median age of the U.S. population rose to a record high in 2022, a demographic trend that has implications for the economy and government programs like Social Security and Medicare.
Knowing your likely life expectancy is an important factor in making long-term financial plans.
Determine whether you should consider refinancing your mortgage.
Estimate how much would remain after paying income taxes and penalties if you took an early distribution from a retirement plan.
Calculate the rate of return you would have to receive from a taxable investment to realize an equivalent tax-exempt yield.